When: 29 April 2024 @ 14h00 (SAST)
Where: Zoom (Click here for link)
Theme: Data Sharing
This webinar aims to reflect on and discuss the implication of data sharing in the era of open science for ethics review committees in Africa.
15 July 2020 - COVID-19 Pandemic: The role of RECs and RECAs during emergency research
How RECs can operate efficiently during emergency research (Dr Paul Ndebele)
The role of RECs and RECAs during emergency research (Prof Carel IJsselmuiden)
How funders can support RECs during COVID-19 (Dr Thomas Nyirenda)
4–6 August 2020 | SARIMA Annual Conference
28 July 2021 – RHInnO Ethics Workshop
9 December 2021 | Conducting ethics review during a pandemic: How can Ethics Review Committees in LMIC leverage on available resources and skills?
1 September 2022: The Power of Knowledge - An International Symposium
EthiXPERT (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Link to Register: https://conference.eventsair.com/pkse/pksep
KIT (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Link to Register: https://conference.eventsair.com/pkkit/pkkit
ASFARI (Beirut, Lebanon)
Link to Register: https://conference.eventsair.com/pkasfari/pkas
No payment required, confirmation of registration screens follows once details submitted
24 October 2023: Webinar – Rethinking Ethics Review in Africa: Operating RECs in a VUCA Context
You are invited to participate in an interactive webinar on Tuesday, 24 October 2023 from 14:00 to 16:00 SAST.